Photoshop Undersea wedding photo post color palette
A computer
Open the footage image, add the Camera Raw filter, and adjust the image color.
Make a duplicate layer, open the Camera Raw filter, adjust the depth blue and adjust the curve. Add a layer mask and paint the character shape with the brush.
Then use the Repair Brush Tool to fix the layer flaw, copy another layer, Filter Blur - Gaussian Blur, add mask.
Rasterize the layer and smear the background with the Smudge Tool.
Copy one layer, add Filter - Render - lens Flare effect, adjust Blend mode Glare, Add mask, Block with Gradient Tool, Layer, Merge, Blend Mode Soft Light.
Load the bottom character selection, Feather the selection, copy a layer, move to the top, add adjustment layer Optional Color - Color Balance - Curve. Add an adjustment layer to the face with optional colors.
Layer, fill with 50% neutral gray, adjust the face shading effect with the Darken and Dodge tool, and add a layer of natural saturation-curve.
Overlay layer, Filter Other - High contrast retention, blend mode linear light.
Enter the copy to adjust the position and size, add a mask to the text, finished.