Parkinson's disease is a more common senile disease, the onset of the age of 50-60 years old, more men than women. Typical symptoms include tremor, myotonia, dyskinesia and postural disturbance. Parkinson's disease is not terrible, terrible is that patients in action and life have a great difference, and even can not walk on their own, the quality of life is greatly reduced, which also brings a burden to the whole family.
Muscle stiffness The extensor muscle and flexor muscle tension are increased, and there is a gear like or lead like resistance feeling during passive movement, which is called gear like rigidity or lead like rigidity respectively.
Posture and gait The face is stiff, like a mask; Head forward, torso forward bending, elbow joints, knee joints slightly flexion; The walking distance is small, the first line is slow, the faster the walk, the panic gait, the two upper limbs do not swing back and forth.
Excitable, occasionally paroxysmal impulsive behavior; Increased secretion of sweating, saliva and sebaceous fluid; Dopamine and its metabolites decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and urine.
Tremors are more common in the head and extremities, most notably in the hands, with the fingers showing a thick rhythmic tremor (a pill-rolling motion). The tremor often appears at rest in the early stage, disappears during voluntary movement and sleep, aggravates when emotional excitement, and can be sustained in the late stage.
Movement disorders are related to muscle stiffness, such as pronunciation muscle stiffness causes difficulty in pronunciation, and finger muscle stiffness makes daily life unable to take care of itself.